Tips To Grow A Healthy Organic Garden This Year

15 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Growing a garden can be one of the most rewarding hobbies that you can choose to participate in. Not only do you get to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, but you can watch vegetables grow and can then eat them and enjoy their health benefits. As part of growing an organic garden in your backyard, you need to keep it healthy by following some rules. Here are some tips to help you succeed with this rewarding hobby.

Use Natural Fertilizer

Fertilizers in your garden soil will help your plants grow large and healthy, as they provide essential nutrients the plants need but may not be able to get from your soil. Soil that is depleted of nutrients from past growing seasons won't be adequate to grow a garden; your plants will remain small and won't produce any fruit. Using synthetic fertilizers in your garden can build up in the soil and damage your plants and the soil.

On the other hand, natural fertilizers are a great way to provide the essential nutrients your plants need and improve the soil's ability to absorb and hold in water. And they are environmentally friendly and biodegradable without any harmful effects to nearby water runoff, pets, or people.

You can find organic fertilizers at a local gardening center or for sale online, which you can use in your garden soil. As another option, you can make your own organic fertilizer compost with organic waste from your home. For example, vegetable scraps, ground up eggshells, ash from your fireplace, grass clippings, and coffee grounds are all suitable materials to build a compost pile in your backyard. Keep the pile moist and warm in the sun and mix it periodically until the compost mixture resembles dark soil, which you can add right to your garden soil.

Install Drip Irrigation

It is essential to provide water to your vegetable garden. There is a variety of methods you can select from and not all of them will give you the same results. For example, you can water your garden with aerial spray sprinklers, but this does not guarantee the water will reach all your garden plants evenly. You also lose a lot of water to runoff and evaporation, and you water areas of your garden void of plants. Aerial watering also promotes weed growth all throughout your garden.

By installing a drip irrigation system, you deliver water directly to the roots of your garden plants and reduce weed growth. Your entire garden soil will not get overly saturated, as only the plant rows will receive the moisture, and you reduce lost water to the wind and sun.